Cherrydale Elementary School

To create a learning environment where all children are empowered to believe & achieve.

Cherrydale Elementary School
302 Perry Road - Greenville, SC 29609
+1 (864) 355 3300
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Cherrydale Elementary School is a school located in Greenville, South Carolina at 302 Perry Road on the Northwest part of town. It began formal operations in 2004-05 after Cone Primary and Sans Souci Intermediate schools were combined in March 2003. Purpose: To provide a quality instructional environment with a strong academic foundation that will encourage academic excellence for all students and instill a love of learning beyond the classroom. Vision: To create a learning environment where all children are empowered to BELIEVE & ACHIEVE. Mission: To Promote Achievement. Teamwork equals Achievement and Everyday Brings a New Success.

Opening Hours:
Mon: Everyday brings a new success
Tue: Everyday brings a new success
Wed: Everyday brings a new success
Thu: Everyday brings a new success
Fri: Everyday brings a new success
Sat: Everyday brings a new success
Sun: Everyday brings a new success

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Sans Souci Schools Schools
  • Lakeview Middle School
  • Cherrydale Elementary School

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